Ramadan Timetable Today In Kuwait

Ramadan Calendar 1445 – 2024 in Kuwait Today Saturday 29 Ramaḍān 1446

Date Ramadan Gregorian Salat Al-fajr Salat Al-dhohr Salat Al-aser Salat Al-maghrib Salat Al-isha
Saturday 1 01-03-2025 04:55 12:01 15:18 17:48 19:04
Sunday 2 02-03-2025 04:54 12:00 15:18 17:48 19:05
Monday 3 03-03-2025 04:53 12:00 15:18 17:49 19:06
Tuesday 4 04-03-2025 04:52 12:00 15:19 17:50 19:06
Wednesday 5 05-03-2025 04:51 12:00 15:19 17:50 19:07
Thursday 6 06-03-2025 04:49 11:59 15:19 17:51 19:08
Friday 7 07-03-2025 04:48 11:59 15:19 17:52 19:08
Saturday 8 08-03-2025 04:47 11:59 15:20 17:52 19:09
Sunday 9 09-03-2025 04:46 11:59 15:20 17:53 19:09
Monday 10 10-03-2025 04:45 11:58 15:20 17:54 19:10
Tuesday 11 11-03-2025 04:44 11:58 15:20 17:54 19:11
Wednesday 12 12-03-2025 04:43 11:58 15:21 17:55 19:11
Thursday 13 13-03-2025 04:41 11:58 15:21 17:55 19:12
Friday 14 14-03-2025 04:40 11:57 15:21 17:56 19:13
Saturday 15 15-03-2025 04:39 11:57 15:21 17:57 19:13
Sunday 16 16-03-2025 04:38 11:57 15:21 17:57 19:14
Monday 17 17-03-2025 04:37 11:57 15:21 17:58 19:15
Tuesday 18 18-03-2025 04:35 11:56 15:21 17:58 19:15
Wednesday 19 19-03-2025 04:34 11:56 15:22 17:59 19:16
Thursday 20 20-03-2025 04:33 11:56 15:22 18:00 19:17
Friday 21 21-03-2025 04:32 11:55 15:22 18:00 19:17
Saturday 22 22-03-2025 04:30 11:55 15:22 18:01 19:18
Sunday 23 23-03-2025 04:29 11:55 15:22 18:01 19:18
Monday 24 24-03-2025 04:28 11:54 15:22 18:02 19:19
Tuesday 25 25-03-2025 04:27 11:54 15:22 18:03 19:20
Wednesday 26 26-03-2025 04:25 11:54 15:22 18:03 19:20
Thursday 27 27-03-2025 04:24 11:54 15:22 18:04 19:21
Friday 28 28-03-2025 04:23 11:53 15:22 18:04 19:22
Saturday 29 29-03-2025 04:22 11:53 15:22 18:05 19:23
Today Hijri Date
29 Ramaḍān 1446
Today is
Today Gregorian Date
29 March 2025

Ramadan schedule

 Knowing the time to abstain from food and the number of hours of fasting during the day is a matter for all Muslims, and these details can be learned through the abstinence of the month of Ramadan, which includes the times of the five prayers as well as the time of iftar and the time of suhoor.

 The Ramadan Imsakiya allows you to know the time to abstain from food, in addition to the number of hours of fasting during the day in all countries around the world. The tool also allows you to know the times of the five prayers and regularity with them, in addition to knowing the times of Iftar and Suhoor according to the local time of your place of residence.

Ramadan Calendar 2024

It is possible to know the dates of the Ramadan Timetable in all Arab countries through the Ramadan Imsakah tool, which shows the details of the Imsakah and the times of the five daily prayers. This only requires entering the place of residence to find out the times of Iftar, Suhoor, and abstaining from food.